Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Dietician and Gluten Free Diet

Meredith and I met with a very nice Dietician on Friday.  She gave us a lot of information and spent some time explaining to Meredith the "rules" about eating gluten free.

Here is some of what we learned:

What is gluten?
Gluten is a protein found in some grains such as wheat, rye, oats and barley.

Why does Meredith need to follow a gluten-free diet?
Meredith has Celiac Disease.  This means her body reacts to gluten and this can damage her small intestines.  A gluten-free diet allows the small intestine to heal and begin to absorb nutrients again.

What grains and starches does Meredith need to avoid?
Barley, barley malt, beer, bread crumbs, bulgar, cereal extract, couscous, cracker meal, durum, farina, flour, graham, kamut, malt, matzoh, oats, rye, semolina, spelt, triticale, wheat, wheat bran, wheat germ, wheat starch. 

What grains and starches can Meredith eat?
Amaranth, arrowroot, bean, corn and corn bran, cornmeal, cornstarch, grits, hominy, maize, nut flours, potato, potato starch, quinoa, rice and rice bran, rice flour, flax, sesame, sorghum, soy, sunflower, sweet potato, tapioca, tef.

What foods may contain gluten?
Bouillon cubes, brown rice syrup, brown sugar, buckwheat, caramel color, ketchup, cheese spreads, chip and dip mixes, dextrin, enriched products, flavorings, French fries, honey roasted or dry roasted nuts, hot chocolate or cocoa, hydrolyzed plant protein, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, textured vegetable protein, ice cream, imitation seafood, imitation bacon, imitation pepper, instant coffee, instant tea, licorice, luncheon or processed meats, margarines, marshmallows, millet, meat sauces, modified starch or modified food starch, mono and di-glycerides, mustard, natural and artificial flavorings, non-dairy creamers, salad dressings, soup and soup mixes, sour cream, soy sauce, soy sauce solids, starch, tomato sauce, vinegar, vegetable gum, vegetable protein, hotdogs and sausage products, yogurt with fruit.

How can we know for sure if a product has gluten?
Some foods may be labeled gluten free.  If they are not labeled, read the ingredients list on the food label.  If you don't know about a food or product, contact the company and ask if it is gluten free.

Will Meredith get enough vitamins and minerals on a gluten free diet?
Meredith's diet may be low in some of the B-vitamins that are found in grain products.  Meredith needs to eat plenty of enriched or fortified grains that are allowed such as corn and rice products.  She will also need to take a multi-vitamin.

Can Meredith eat out at restaurants and still follow a gluten free diet?
Yes.  We can ask a server or chef to explain how foods are prepared in order to make sure they are gluten free.  It also helps to take a list of foods that Meredith will need to avoid with us.

What is cross-contamination?
This is when a food that is gluten free comes in contact or is cooked with foods that have gluten.  Be careful of fried foods because the oil used to deep fry may be used for foods that have gluten.  Cross-contamination is the reason that millet, oats and buckwheat sometimes need to be avoided.

Is gluten found only in food?
No.  Gluten may be found in some prescription drugs, over the counter drugs and vitamins.
Other products that may contain gluten are:  toothpaste, lipstick and face powder, shampoo, soaps and detergents, lotions, herbal and nutritional supplements, communion wafers, and play-doh.

Where can we learn more about gluten free diet and gluten free products?
Celiac Disease Foundation-

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